
Digital Transformation Solutions for Manufacturing Plants

Data to reduce unplanned downtime. Insights to optimize maintenance.

Eliminate Equipment Failure with Actionable Analytics

Drive efficiencies and increase uptime with Cantilever™ – Gecko’s turnkey, data-driven solution that accelerates decision making at scale. Our full-service solution rapidly collects, integrates, and analyzes robust data layers to deliver actionable precision maintenance plans for today and predictive maintenance insights for the future.

Empower your teams with high-quality data insights across all levels to see, understand, collaborate, and act on critical data for reliable fixed equipment infrastructure and seamless productivity.

Gain Complete Visibility with Advanced Robotics

The first step in the Cantilever process is to collect complete, high-fidelity data layers of your assets. Our suite of automated robotic solutions performs non-destructive testing to build full-coverage, highly precise data layers that power our enterprise analytics tools.

Gecko’s robots collect 1,000x more data at speeds 10x faster than traditional methods. High-quality data coverage means confident next steps.

Millions of Data Points - Made Useful

Our industrial asset management software translates your data into actionable insights through comprehensive data visualizations, digital twins, predictive models, and repair plans. Cantilever Platform simplifies data to empower real-time decision making with current-state analysis and AI-powered predictive insights for your entire network of assets.

  • Interactive 3D digital twin visualizations
  • Predictive analytics
  • Precision repair plans delivered within 24-48 hours of inspection
  • One source of truth for all past, present, and future inspection data and repair records

Shift from reactive to predictive maintenance.

Robotic inspection

Solutions for All Manufacturing Facility Assets


From the roof, shell, and floor, to everything in between, Gecko’s robots efficiently inspect in-service tanks without access requirements and produce the data needed to inform tank integrity programs.

Pressure Vessels

Through non-intrusive inspection and data visualization, Gecko’s solutions identify and quantify common damage mechanisms from corrosion to cracking.


Gecko’s robotic inspection solutions efficiently crawl aboveground piping for safe and reliable operations.

Recovery Boilers

Gecko's robots climb waterwalls and pinpoint corrosion to avoid tube leaks and unplanned outages.

Transform Your Industrial Asset Management

Cantilever integrates Gecko’s high-fidelity data layers, historical records, process data, and in-house subject matter expertise into one system for unparalleled clarity.

Asset Management Applications to Achieve Your Goals

  • Inspection Planning
  • Digital Repository
  • Repair Optimization
  • Repair Prioritization
  • Work Planning
  • Budgeting & Planning

Customer Story: Chlorine Dioxide Storage Tank

Discover how a pulp and paper manufacturing plant implemented data-dense robotic inspection technology to discover pinhole-sized damage that previously went undetected using traditional inspection methods. Gecko’s turnkey solution helped the plant avoid unplanned downtime and potentially catastrophic outcomes.


Tanks Analyzed by Gecko


Years of Proven Experience


Trillion Data Points

Transform into a Facility of the Future

Are you ready to optimize your asset management program? Complete the form to connect with one of our experts.

Manufacturing Resources

Gecko’s turnkey industrial asset management software is helping manufacturing industry leaders ensure safe and seamless productivity worldwide.