Gecko Adds Advanced Ultrasonic Inspections Into Service Offerings

Press Release - Building upon the adoption of Rapid Ultrasonic Gridding (RUG) to the inspection space, Gecko has added additional Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) and Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) enabled by custom designed robotic platforms to cover the breadth of ultrasonic non-destructive testing needs.

Houston, TX: Responding to increased market pull for comprehensive inspections, Gecko Robotics announced new Advanced Ultrasonic Inspection methods, inclusive of Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT). Gecko’s Advanced Ultrasonic Inspections encompass several different techniques and technologies, which include phased array ultrasonic testing, Rapid AUT, time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD), and pulse echo weld inspection. These techniques offer a new way for mechanical integrity professionals to partner with Gecko to address the full spectrum of damage mechanisms at any resolution, with the capability of distinguishing wall-thinning, coating loss, corrosion, pitting, weld cracking, hydrogen damage, and more.

“The technologies we use within our Advanced Ultrasonic Inspection family allows [Gecko’s] inspections to be 5x faster and capture 10x more data than conventional AUT methods.” says Jose Aparicio, Advanced NDT Technology Manager at Gecko Robotics “the capabilities alone allow our inspection teams to provide asset-health data at exceptional resolution. This quality of data used to be limited to small surface areas due to collection time and cost concerns; that is no longer the case with Gecko.”


Capabilities of Gecko’s Advanced Ultrasonic Inspections include:

  • Rapid AUT
  • Robot-enabled, Phased Array UT (PAUT)
  • Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
  • Total Focusing Method (TFM)
  • Creeping/Head Wave Inspection Method (CHIME)
  • Short Range Guided Wave (SRUT)


As ultrasonic techniques advance, so does the amount of data that derives from these inspections. To address this challenge, Gecko has pioneered a cloud-based processing and visualization system for ultrasonic scan data, the Gecko Portal. Their Advanced Ultrasonic Inspection data is presented alongside the customer’s equipment inventory in a convenient plant-level hierarchy. Data presented can be filtered to find areas of interest, annotated, and shared with colleagues for maintenance planning.

“With the improvements in data quality and resolution that the advanced ultrasonic inspections enable through robotic technology, Gecko is also ensuring to make all of the acquired data more actionable, digestible, and reportable than ever before.” Ed Bryner, Director of Engineering at Gecko Robotics explains, “We are investing heavily in our cloud software and data analytics services that come as part of our service offerings to ensure a low friction, highly integrated solution to our customers current data tools and workflows of today, and into the future.” 

Advanced Ultrasonic Inspections are available to all existing and new Gecko clients for their inspection needs and RBI programs. For more information on AUI with Gecko, visit


For media contact, please reach out to Mike Currie.

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