
Silo Inspections

Silos Play an Essential Role in the Power Industry

Failures of silos range from complete collapse, which can cause plant shutdown and worker injuries, to visual distortion and deformation of the structure. To prevent this, full scale silo inspections are needed. Traditional silo inspections often fall short in terms of exact, accurate, full coverage thickness data.

Gecko’s state of the art, wall climbing robotic inspection teams will perform magnetic lift-off and ultrasonic testing (UT) on your silo, allowing you to detect degradation before failure and plant shutdown takes place.

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We believe in using the best tools for the job. That's why we build our own robots.

Meet Our Robots
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Our robots feed data to our software. Patented deliverables provide the most complete assessment and predicts future failures of your asset.

Experience Cantilever

A Gecko Robotics Inspection Provides:

1000X More Data

Certified Inspection Teams (UT Levels I, II, & III)

Turnaround in less than 24 hours

3D deliverable thickness map

Robotic and traditional hand held inspections

Intuitive web portal for in-depth data review

No need for costly scaffolding

150+ thickness readings per square foot (1600+ per square meter)

Full inspection of your silo in only 1 shift

Case Study:

Fuel Silos

Silos have a frequency of failure higher than any other industrial asset. Learn how a 1080MW plant in North Carolina used Gecko's Robots and Vision software to better understand the cycle of corrosion and erosion.

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